Art, Music, P.E., Etymology, WorldCultures, Latin, Technology
Expanding thinking and experiences.
Students in Kinder Prep through Grade 8 have the opportunity to participate in many different specialized classes each school year. These classes include art, music, physical education, language and culture, technology, and library. Students in Kinder Prep through Grade 5 attend one special per day throughout the year. In the Preparatory Academy, students have one special class per quarter four days a week. Physical education is one day each week for the entire school year for every student at IWA.

The art curriculum at Incarnate Word Academy includes analyzing and responding to artwork and creative expression. Students develop a broad range of artistic skills including processes related to STEAM, drawing, painting, sculpting and construction.

Music is celebrated in many ways at IWA, through singing, dancing, and playing instruments. Students focus on the soprano recorder for three years and in the Preparatory Academy, they focus on bucket drumming and two years of ukulele. All students participate in concerts throughout the school year.
Incarnate Word Academy also partners with Padua Franciscan High School to offer band and orchestra instruction to our students in Grades 4 through Grade 8. Instructors work one-on-one with our students in the Christopher R. Volpe ‘95 music lab and students participate in concerts throughout the school year.

Physical Education
Physical Education aims to develop the physical competency of each student. The curriculum teaches a variety of skills, using movement and activity, and incorporates a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle.

Students in Kinder Prep through Grade 4 participate in Etymology, the study of the origin of words. In Grade 5, students attend a World Cultures course and explore various cultures around the world, studying languages, foods, customs, and religions. Students in our Preparatory Academy attend Latin class for one semester each year.

In technology class, students participate in a wide variety of activities. Some unique programs offered in technology classes at IWA include programming Finch robots with Python, building a computer, troubleshooting common computer complications, and building and programming a Hummingbird robot. Students enjoy these unique opportunities while also learning typing skills and how to be a proper digital citizen.
Students in Grades 7 and 8 have the opportunity to enhance their video editing and digital design skills through our digital media and design program. Students work on filming and editing videos and work on various digital design projects.

IWA students from Kinder Prep through Grade 8 visit the library one time per week. Students in Grades 1 through 5 participate in the Accelerated Reader program which continually assesses students to ensure they are reading and comprehending stories at the appropriate level. For students in our Preparatory Academy, library visits are used to explore books of their interests to continue to foster the love of reading.